How to stay fuller, for longer

When you decide to take the step to lose weight and improve your health and wellbeing, you start off being motivated and inspired at what might be possible.

You clean out the cupboard and fridge, go to the local grocery store and buy fresh food. You turn up to the gym each day – you might even hire a personal trainer to help keep yourself accountable.

After a couple of weeks, despite the fact you’ve had some fast results, you can’t ignore the hunger pains any longer, or the sugar cravings that are SHOUTING AT YOU to EAT THE CHOC CHIP COOKIE, ONE WON’T HURT !! So you start grabbing the handfuls of nuts – they’re healthy right? You have just the ONE glass of wine, you went to the gym today, calories in, calories out.. it’ll be right! Anything to get rid of those cravings and hunger pains.

If you are a few weeks into your health and wealth loss journey and finding it hard to stick to “healthy eating”, it’s highly likely that you’re not eating enough of the right foods that keep you fuller for longer. Simply put, eating a boiled egg for breakfast, a salad with some ham for lunch, and chicken and veggies for dinner is NOT the way to lose wight and KEEP IT OFF. You will definitely see results, but very rarely is eating this way sustainable – because it’s not enjoyable and it doesn’t fill you up.

Eating a low carbohydrate and high fat diet is a way of life, not a short-term way to lose weight. Including higher amounts of healthy fats and proteins to your meal will keep you fuller for longer. You can do this by:

  • Relying on good quality protein like grass fed beef, wild caught salmon

  • Increase healthy fats like avocado and MCT oil

  • Using healthy oils in salad dressings

  • Greek yoghurt is a great way to add flavour and protein to your meals

  • Jarlsberg cheese

  • Add eggs to your meals

Change is hard – but once you get into a rhythm and you understand what foods will help keep you full and find the food combinations that you enjoy – it will become your new habit.

If you would like some help on your health and weight loss journey, sign up for our newsletter, or book in a consultation with Tony. You’ll get one to one support to help you get started and answer the questions you need to get clarity on your keto journey.  


Keto Meals The Whole Family Will Love