Keto for diabetics:
How to lower blood sugar with a keto coach
Is keto good for diabetics? The connection between keto and diabetes management has been explored for some time. Studies have established the benefits of the ketogenic diet as an effective option for those with Type 2 diabetes, contributing to decreased body weight, improved fasting glucose levels, improved fasting insulin levels and lower cholesterol levels.
Diabetes Australia describes Type 2 diabetes as “a progressive condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and/or gradually loses the capacity to produce enough insulin in the pancreas.” It usually develops in adults 45 plus, but is increasingly being diagnosed in younger age groups, including children. It can impact heart health, and contributes to vision problems and foot complications.
According to Diabetes Australia, Type 2 diabetes is often associated with lifestyle risk factors that can be modified – which means you can play a significant role in the control of your diabetes management by making positive lifestyle changes.
Keto and Diabetes
People with Type 2 Diabetes need to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and eating a ketogenic diet can help support this, along with
Tony works with clients to explain how insulin resistance works and how to lower blood sugars. He also provides guidance on keto for diabetics to achieve strong results in weight loss management, improved vision and eliminating spikes in blood sugar levels.
If weight loss is part of your diabetes management plan, Tony can also assist with providing specific exercises suited to your lifestyle.